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The PALEO LAB at UBC Okanagan specialises in the use of midge fossils for the reconstruction of past environmental changes, including especially glacial and postglacial climates, and recent human impacts on lake ecosystems. We have collaborated extensively with researchers at Simon Fraser University, Université Laval, University of New Brunswick, Parks Canada and the Royal British Columbia Museum. We have conducted much of our research in or near the Okanagan, but we also have active research programmes in remote regions of British Columbia, and northern Canada.

For more information on our research programmes, or graduate studies, please contact:



A member of the Science Faculty at Okanagan University College (OUC) from 1991 to 2005, Ian was hired as one of the founding faculty members at the new UBC Okanagan campus. Ian is a specialist in freshwater ecology and climatic change research. His academic research focuses especially on the relationships among aquatic insects and current and past climatic change, especially in arctic and cordilleran ecosystems. He is an author on over 50 peer-reviewed research papers published in international journals and specialist texts. In addition to his duties in the Okanagan, Ian has held adjunct professorships at, and has supervised graduate students at, Simon Fraser University and Université Laval. He has served as an external referee for Canadian, Austrian, British, Dutch, Norwegian and American research funding agencies, and as a reviewer for over 30 different scientific journals. He was a member of NSERC's Environmental Earth Sciences Grant Selection Committee from 2000 to 2003, and is currently a member of the Advisory Board for the Journal of Paleolimnology.

CBC Daybreak Interviews:

[3 Dec. 2002: 7MB]
[1 Mar. 2002: 13MB]

KNOW-TV: The Leading Edge [10 Feb. 2004]









We have recently been devoting resources to three principal projects:
  1. Chironomid Palaeoecology and Holocene Palaeoclimatology of southern British Columbia
    - This continues our principal research of the past decade, using chironomid palaeoecological records from saline and alpine treeline lakes to reconstruct climatic changes in southern British Columbia since the last glaciation.

  2. Palaeoenvironmental Assessments of Ecological Integrity
    - We have been collaborating with researchers from Parks Canada to investigate historic and pre-historic changes in the lakes of Riding Mountain National Park. The palaeoenvironmental records facilitate an assessment of each lakes' ecological integrity, and the relative contributions of natural versus human stressors as mechanisms responsible for inducing these changes.
  3. The Biology and Habitat Requirements of the Rocky Mountain Ridged Mussel (Gonidea angulata).
    - In a deviation from the main thrust of our lab's work, we have been collaborating with the British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations to better document the basic biology and habitat requirements of this endangered mussel. The results will ultimately be used by the ministry to facilitate better management of the mussel, including mitigation of development pressure on the mussels' habitat.






Links to photos from our recent field work:






Ian's theses (downloadable):

Walker, I., 1980. The History of Wood's Pond and the Forests of the Chignecto Region. BSc (Honours) thesis, Mount Allison University, Sackville. 43 pp.

Walker, I. R., 1982. The Chironomidae of Shallow, Humic Lakes and Peat Pools, and their Value as Palaeoenvironmental Indicators. MSc thesis, University of Waterloo, Waterloo. 73 pp.

Walker, I. R., 1988. Late-Quaternary Palaeoecology of Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) in Lake Sediments from British Columbia. PhD thesis, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby. 204 pp.


    Review Articles:

  1. Walker, I. R. and M. G. Pellatt, 2008. Climate change and ecosystem response in the northern Columbia River basin - a paleoenvironmental perspective. Environmental Reviews 16: 113-140.
  2. Walker, I. R., 2006. Chironomid Overview (invited review), pp. 360-366 in S. A. Elias (ed.) Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science, Volume 1. Elsevier, Amsterdam
  3. Walker, I. R., and L. C. Cwynar, 2006. Midges and palaeotemperature reconstruction - the North American experience. Quaternary Science Reviews 25: 1911-1925.
  4. Heinrichs, M. L., and, I. R. Walker, 2006. Fossil midges and palaeosalinity: potential as indicators of hydrological balance and sea-level change. Quaternary Science Reviews 25: 1948-1965.
  5. Bennike, O., K. P. Brodersen, E. Jeppesen and I. R. Walker, 2005. Aquatic invertebrates and high-latitude palaeolimnology, pp. 117-157, In: R. Pienitz, M. S. V.Douglas and J. P. Smol (eds). Long-term Environmental Change in Arctic and Antarctic Lakes. Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research Series: Volume 8, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
  6. Walker, I. R., 2004. Chapter 6: Climatic change, the last fifteen thousand years in the Okanagan , pp. 55-62 in: M. A. Roed, and J. D. Greenough (eds). Okanagan Geology, British Columbia. Kelowna Geology Committee, Kelowna.
  7. Walker, I. R. and M. G. Pellatt, 2003.  Climate change in coastal British Columbia - a paleoenvironmental perspective. Canadian Water Resources Journal 28: 531-566.
  8. Walker, I. R. 2001. Midges: Chironomidae and related Diptera. pp. 43-66, In: J. P. Smol, H. J. B. Birks, and W. M. Last (eds). Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediments. Volume 4. Zoological Indicators.  Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
  9. Walker, I. R., 1995. Chironomids as indicators of past environmental change. pp. 405-422, In P. D. Armitage, P. S. Cranston, and L. C. V. Pinder (eds). The Chironomidae: Biology and Ecology of Non-biting Midges, Chapman and Hall, Inc., London.
  10. Walker, I. R., 1993. Paleolimnological biomonitoring using freshwater benthic macroinvertebrates. pp. 306-343 in D. M. Rosenberg and V. H. Resh. Freshwater Biomonitoring and Benthic Macroinvertebrates, Routledge, Chapman and Hall, Inc.
  11. Walker, I. R. 1987. Chironomidae (Diptera) in paleoecology. Quaternary Science Reviews 6: 29-40.
  12. Other Papers in Refereed Journals:

  13. Dickson, T. R., and I. R. Walker, 2013. A midge-salinity transfer function for inferring sea level change and landscape evolution in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Manitoba, Canada. Journal of Paleolimnology 51: 325-341
  14. Axford, Y., S. Losee, J. Briner, D. Francis, P. Langdon, and I. Walker, 2013. Holocene temperature history at the western Greenland Ice Sheet margin reconstructed from lake sediments. Quaternary Science Reviews 59: 87-100.
  15. Kaufman, D. S., Y. Axford, R. S. Anderson, S. F. Lamoureux, D. E. Schindler, I. R. Walker, and A. Werner, 2012. A multi-proxy record of the Last Glacial Maximum and last 14,500 years of paleoenvironmental change at Lone Spruce Pond, southwestern Alaska. Journal of Paleolimnology 48: 9-26.
  16. Clegg, B. F., R. Kelly, G. H. Clarke, I. R. Walker, and F. S. Hu, 2011. Nonlinear response of summer temperature to Holocene insolation forcing in Alaska. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 108: 19299-19304.
  17. Axford, Y., J. P. Briner, D. R. Francis, G. H. Miller, I. R. Walker, and A. P. Wolfe, 2011. Chironomids record terrestrial temperature changes throughout Arctic interglacials of the past 200,000 yr. Geological Society of America Bulletin 123: 1275-1287.
  18. Gavin, D. G., A. C. G. Henderson, K. S. Westover, S. C. Fritz, I. R. Walker, M. J. Leng, and F. S. Hu, 2011. Abrupt Holocene climate change and potential response to solar forcing in western Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews 30: 1243–1255.
  19. Thomas, E. K., J. P. Briner, Y. Axford, D. R. Francis, G. Miller, and I. R. Walker, 2011. A 2000-year-long multiproxy lacustrine record from eastern Baffin Island, Arctic Canada reveals first millennium AD cold period. Quaternary Research 75: 491–500
  20. Clegg, B. F., G. H. Clarke, M. L. Chipman, M. Chou, I. R. Walker, W. Tinner, and F. S. Hu, 2010. "Six millennia of summer temperature variation based on midge analysis of lake sediments from Alaska". Quaternary Science Reviews 29: 3308-3316.
  21. Goring, S. J., T. Lacourse, M. G. Pellatt, I. R. Walker, and R. W. Mathewes, 2010. Are pollen-based climate models improved by combining surface samples from soil and lacustrine substrates? Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 162: 203–212.
  22. Mott, R. J., I. R. Walker, S. L. Palmer and M. Lavoie, 2009. A Late-glacial - Holocene paleoecological record from Pye Lake on the eastern shore of Nova Scotia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 46: 637-650.
  23. Gavin, D. G., F. S. Hu, I. R. Walker, and K. Westover, 2009. The Northern Inland Temperate Rainforest of British Columbia: Old Forests With a Young History? Northwest Science 83: 70-88.
  24. Goring, S. J., M. G. Pellatt, T. Lacourse, I. R. Walker, and R. W. Mathewes, 2009. A new methodology for reconstructing climate and vegetation from modern pollen assemblages: an example from British Columbia. Biogeography 36: 626-638.
  25. Brodersen, K. P., O. Pedersen, I. R. Walker, and M. T. Jensen, 2008. Respiration of midges (Diptera; Chironomidae) in British Columbian lakes: oxy-regulation, temperature and their role as palaeo-indicators. Freshwater Biology 53: 593-602.
  26. Chase, M., C. Bleskie, I. R. Walker, D. Gavin, Feng Sheng Hu, 2008. Midge-inferred Holocene summer temperatures in Southeastern British Columbia, Canada. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 257: 244-259.
  27. Karrow, P. F., T. F. Morris, J. H. McAndrews, A. V. Morgan, A. J. Smith, and I. R. Walker, 2007. A diverse late-glacial (Mackinaw Phase) biota from Leamington, Ontario. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 44: 287-296.
  28. Barley, E. M., I. R. Walker, J. Kurek, L. C. Cwynar, R. W. Mathewes, K. Gajewski, and B.P. Finney, 2006. A northwest North American training set: distribution of freshwater midges in relation to air temperature and lake depth. Journal of Paleolimnology 36: 295-314.
  29. Lotter, A.F., O. Heiri, W. Hofmann, W.O. van der Knaap, J.F.N. van Leeuwen, and I.R. Walker, 2006. Holocene timber-line dynamics at Bachalpsee, a lake at 2265 m a.s.l. in the northern Swiss Alps. Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 15: 295-307.
  30. Francis, D.R., A.P. Wolfe, I.R. Walker, and G.H. Miller, 2006. Interglacial and Holocene temperature reconstructions based on midge remains in sediments of two lakes from Baffin Island, Nunavut, Arctic Canada. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 236: 107-124.
  31. Rosenberg, S. M., I. R. Walker, and J. B. Macpherson, 2005. Environmental changes at Port au Choix as reconstructed from fossil midges. Newfoundland and Labrador Studies 20: 57-73.
  32. Fallu, M.-A., R. Pienitz, I. R. Walker, and M. Lavoie, 2005. Paleolimnology of a shrub-tundra lake and response of aquatic and terrestrial indicators to climatic change in arctic Québec, Canada. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 215: 183- 203.
  33. Heinrichs, M. L., M. G. Evans, R. J. Hebda, I. R. Walker, S. L. Palmer, and S. M. Rosenberg, 2004 (actually published in summer 2006). Holocene climatic change and landscape response at Cathedral Provincial Park, British Columbia, Canada. Géographie physique et Quaternaire 58: 123-139.
  34. Clague, J. J., B. Wohlfarth, J. Ayotte , M. Eriksson, I. Hutchinson, R. W. Mathewes, I. R. Walker, and L. Walker, 2004. Late Holocene environmental change at treeline in the northern Coast Mountains, British Columbia, Canada. Quaternary Science Reviews 23: 2413-2431.
  35. Wooller, M. J. , D. Francis, M. L. Fogel, G. H. Miller, I. R. Walker, and A. P. Wolfe, 2004. Quantitative paleotemperature estimates from ∂18O of chironomid head capsules preserved in arctic lake sediments. Journal of Paleolimnology 31: 267-274.
  36. Rosenberg, S. M., I. R. Walker, R. W. Mathewes, and D. J. Hallett, 2004. Midge-inferred Holocene climate history of two subalpine lakes in southern British Columbia, Canada. Holocene 14: 258-271.
  37. Fallu, M-A., R. Pienitz, I. R. Walker, and J. Overpeck, 2004. AMS 14 C dating of tundra lake sediments using chironomid head capsules. Journal of Paleolimnology 31: 11-22.
  38. Walker, I. R., A. J. Levesque, R. Pienitz, and J. P. Smol, 2003. Freshwater midges of the Yukon and adjacent Northwest Territories: a new tool for reconstructing Beringian paleoenvironments? Journal of the North American Benthological Society 22: 323-337.
  39. Rosenberg, S.M., I.R. Walker, and R.W. Mathewes, 2003. Postglacial spread of hemlock (Tsuga) and vegetation history in Mount Revelstoke National Park, British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Botany 81: 139-151
  40. Palmer, S. L., I. R. Walker, M. L. Heinrichs, R. J. Hebda, and G. G. E. Scudder, 2002. Postglacial midge community change and Holocene palaeotemperature reconstructions for treeline, southern British Columbia (Canada).  Journal of Paleolimnology 28: 469-490.
  41. Heinrichs, M.L., R.J. Hebda, I.R. Walker and S.L. Palmer, 2002. Postglacial paleoecology and inferred paleoclimate in the Engelmann Spruce-Subalpine Fir forest of south-central British Columbia, Canada. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 184: 347-369.
  42. Heinrichs, M.L., R.J. Hebda, and I.R. Walker, 2001. Holocene vegetation and natural disturbance in the Engelmann Spruce - Subalpine Fir biogeoclimatic zone at Mt. Kobau, British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 31: 2183-2199.
  43. Heinrichs, M. L., I. R. Walker, and R. W. Mathewes, 2001.  Chironomid-based paleosalinity records in southern British Columbia, Canada: a comparison of transfer functions.  Journal of Paleolimnology  26: 147-159
  44. Bennike, O., S. Björck, J. Böcher, and I. R. Walker, 2000. The Quaternary arthropod fauna of Greenland: a review with new data.  Bulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark 47: 111-134.
  45. Pellatt, M. G., M. J. Smith, R. W. Mathewes, I. R. Walker, and S. L. Palmer, 2000.  Holocene treeline and climate change in the subalpine zone near Stoyoma Mountain, Cascade Mountains, southwestern British Columbia, Canada.  Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 32: 73-83.
  46. Heinrichs, M. L., I. R. Walker, R. W. Mathewes, and R. J. Hebda, 1999.  Holocene chironomid-inferred salinity and paleovegetation reconstruction from Kilpoola Lake, British Columbia. Géographie physique et Quaternaire  53: 211-221.
  47. Livingstone, D. M., A. F. Lotter and I. R. Walker, 1999. The decrease in summer surface water temperature with altitude in Swiss Alpine lakes: a comparison with air temperature lapse rates. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research  31: 341-352.
  48. Lotter, A. F., I. R. Walker, S. J. Brooks, and W. Hofmann, 1999.  An intercontinental comparison of chironomid palaeotemperature inference models: Europe vs North America.  Quaternary Science Reviews 18: 717-735.
  49. Pellatt, M. G., M. J. Smith, R. W. Mathewes, and I. R. Walker, 1998.  Paleoecology of postglacial treeline shifts in the northern Cascade mountains, Canada.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology  141: 123-138.
  50. Smith, M. J., M. G. Pellatt, I. R. Walker, and R. W. Mathewes, 1998.  Postglacial changes in chironomid communities and inferred climate near treeline at Mount Stoyoma, Cascade Mountains, southwestern British Columbia.  Journal of Paleolimnology  20: 277-293.
  51. Rück, A., I. R. Walker, and R. Hebda, 1998. A palaeolimnological study of Tugulnuit Lake, British Columbia, Canada, with special emphasis on river influence as recorded by chironomids in the lake's sediment.  Journal of Paleolimnology  19: 63-75.
  52. Heinrichs, M. L., S. E. Wilson, I. R. Walker, J. P. Smol, R. W. Mathewes, and K. J. Hall, 1997.  Midge- and diatom-based palaeosalinity reconstructions for Mahoney Lake, Okanagan Valley, British Columbia, Canada.  International Journal of Salt Lake Research  6: 249-267.
  53. Pellatt, M. G., R. W. Mathewes, and I. R. Walker, 1997. Pollen analysis and ordination of lake sediment-surface samples from coastal British Columbia, Canada.  Canadian Journal of Botany 75: 799-814.
  54. Walker, I. R., A. J. Levesque, L. C. Cwynar, and A. F. Lotter, 1997.  An expanded surface-water palaeotemperature inference model for use with fossil midges from eastern Canada.  Journal of Paleolimnology  18: 165-178.
  55. Levesque, A. J., L. C. Cwynar, and I. R. Walker, 1997.  Exceptionally steep north-south gradients in lake temperatures during the last deglaciation.  Nature 385: 423-426
  56. Levesque, A. J., L. C. Cwynar, and I. R. Walker, 1996. Richness, diversity and succession of late-glacial chironomid larval assemblages in New Brunswick, Canada.  Journal of Paleolimnology  16: 257-274.
  57. Walker, I. R., 1996.  Biology of chironomids - Proceedings of the third international congress of Dipterology, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, August 18, 1994 - Preface. Hydrobiologia 318 : 1-1.
  58. Walker, I. R., S. E. Wilson, and J. P. Smol, 1995.  Chironomidae (Diptera): Quantitative palaeosalinity indicators for lakes of western Canada.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences  52: 950-960.
  59. Walker, I. R., and G. M. MacDonald, 1995. Distributions of Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) and other freshwater midges with respect to treeline, Northwest Territories, Canada.  Arctic and Alpine Research  27: 258-263.
  60. Lowe et al., 1995. Paleoclimate of the North-Atlantic Seaboards during the last glacial/interglacial transition.  Quaternary International  28: 51-61.
  61. Levesque, A. J., L. C. Cwynar, and I. R. Walker, 1994. A multi-proxy investigation of late-glacial climate and vegetation change at Pine Ridge Pond, southwest New Brunswick, Canada.  Quaternary Research  42: 316-327.
  62. Cwynar, L. C., A. J. Levesque, F. E. Mayle, and I. Walker, 1994. Wisconsinan late-glacial environmental change in New Brunswick: a regional synthesis.  Journal of Quaternary Science 9: 161-164.
  63. Walker, I. R., E. D. Reavie, S. Palmer, and R. N. Nordin, 1993. A palaeoenvironmental assessment of human impact on Wood Lake, Okanagan Valley, British Columbia.  Quaternary International  20: 51-70.
  64. Levesque, A. J., F. E. Mayle, I. R. Walker, and L. C. Cwynar, 1993. The Amphi-Atlantic Oscillation: a proposed late-glacial climatic event.  Quaternary Science Reviews  12: 629-643.
  65. Levesque, A. J., F. E. Mayle, I. R. Walker, and L. C. Cwynar, 1993. A previously unrecognized late-glacial cold event in eastern North America.  Nature 361: 623-626.
  66. Wilson, S. E., I. R. Walker, R. J. Mott, and J. P. Smol, 1993. Climatic and limnological changes associated with the Younger Dryas period in Atlantic Canada.   Climate Dynamics  8: 177-187.
  67. Walker, I. R., D. R. Oliver, and M. E. Dillon, 1993.  The larva and habitat of Parakiefferiella nigra Brundin (Diptera: Chironomidae). Netherlands Journal of Aquatic Ecology  26: 527-531.
  68. Pienitz, R., I. R. Walker, B. A. Zeeb, J. P. Smol, and P. R. Leavitt, 1992. Biomonitoring past salinity changes in an athalassic sub-arctic lake.  International Journal of Salt Lake Research  1: 91-123.
  69. Walker, I. R., J. P. Smol, D. R. Engstrom, H. J. B. Birks, 1992.  Aquatic invertebrates, climate, scale, and statistical hypothesis-testing: a response to Hann, Warner, and Warwick (1992).  Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 49: 1276-1280.
  70. Currie, D. C., and I. R. Walker, 1992. Recognition and palaeohydrological significance of fossil black fly larvae, with a key to the Nearctic genera (Diptera: Simuliidae). Journal of Paleolimnology 7: 37-54.
  71. Walker, I. R., R. J. Mott, and J. P. Smol, 1991. Allerød-Younger Dryas lake temperatures from midge fossils in Atlantic Canada. Science 253: 1010-1012.
  72. Walker, I. R., J. P. Smol, D. R. Engstrom, and H. J. B. Birks, 1991. An assessment of Chironomidae as quantitative indicators of past climatic change. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 48: 975-987.
  73. Smol, J. P., I. R. Walker, and P. R. Leavitt, 1991. Paleolimnology and hindcasting climatic trends.  Verh. int. verein. Limnol. 24: 1240-1246.
  74. Walker, I. R., 1990. Modern assemblages of arctic and alpine Chironomidae as analogues for late-glacial communities.  Hydrobiologia 214: 223-227 (also reprinted as: Walker, I. R., 1991. Modern assemblages of arctic and alpine Chironomidae as analogues for late-glacial communities. pp. 223-227, In: J. P. Smith, P. G. Appleby, R. W. Battarbee, J. A. Dearing, R. Flower, E. Y. Haworth, F. Oldfield, and P. E. O'Sullivan (eds.), Environmental History and Palaeolimnology. Developments in Hydrobiology 67. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 382pp.)
  75. Walker, I. R., and R. W. Mathewes, 1989. Chironomidae (Diptera) remains in surficial lake sediments from the Canadian Cordillera: analysis of the fauna across an altitudinal gradient. Journal of Paleolimnology 2: 61-80.
  76. Walker, I. R.,and R. W. Mathewes, 1989. Much ado about dead Diptera. Journal of Paleolimnology 2: 19-22. (also reprinted as: Walker, I. R., and R. W. Mathewes, 1990. Much ado about dead Diptera. pp. 165-168, In: R. B. Davis (ed.), Paleolimnology and the Reconstruction of Ancient Environments. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 255pp.)
  77. Walker, I. R., and R. W. Mathewes, 1989.  Early postglacial chironomid succession in southwestern British Columbia, Canada, and its palaeoenvironmental significance.(invited) Journal of Paleolimnology 2: 1-14. (also reprinted as:  Walker, I. R., and R. W. Mathewes, 1990. Early postglacial chironomid succession in southwestern British Columbia, Canada, and its palaeoenvironmental significance (invited paper).  pp. 147-163, In: R. B. Davis (ed.), Paleolimnology and the Reconstruction of Ancient Environments. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. 255pp.)
  78. Walker, I. R., and R. W. Mathewes, 1988.  Late-Quaternary fossil Chironomidae (Diptera) from Hippa Lake, Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, with special reference to Corynocera  Zett.  The Canadian Entomologist 120: 739-751.
  79. Walker, I. R., and R. W. Mathewes, 1987. Chironomids, lake trophic status, and climate. Quaternary Research 28: 431-437.
  80. Walker, I. R., and R. W. Mathewes, 1987. Chironomidae (Diptera) and late-glacial climate at Marion Lake, British Columbia, Canada. Quaternary Research 27: 89-102.
  81. Walker, I. R., and C. G. Paterson, 1986. Associations of diatoms in the surficial sediments of lakes and peat pools in Atlantic Canada. Hydrobiologia 134: 265-272.
  82. Walker, I. R., and C. G. Paterson, 1985. Efficient separation of subfossil Chironomidae from lake sediments.  Hydrobiologia 122: 189-192.
  83. Walker, I. R., C. H. Fernando, and C. G. Paterson, 1985.  Associations of Chironomidae (Diptera) of shallow, acid, humic lakes and bog pools in Atlantic Canada, and a comparison with an earlier paleoecological investigation. Hydrobiologia 120: 11-22.
  84. Walker, I. R., C. H. Fernando, and C. G. Paterson, 1984. The chironomid fauna of four shallow, humic lakes and their representation by subfossil assemblages in the surficial sediments.  Hydrobiologia 112: 61-67.
  85. Walker, I. R., and C. G. Paterson, 1983. Post-glacial chironomid succession in two small humic lakes in the New Brunswick - Nova Scotia border area.  Freshwater Invertebrate Biology 2: 61-73.
  86. Books, Proceedings, etc.:

  87. Walker, I. R. (ed). 1996.  Biology of Chironomids - Proceedings of the Third International Congress of Dipterology, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada.  August 18, 1994.  Hydrobiologia  318(1-2): 1-133.
  88. Book Reviews:

  89. Walker, I. R., 1994. [Invited review of] "Quaternary Insects and Their Environments. 1994. S. A. Elias.  Smithsonian Institute Press, Washington, D. C. 284 pp." Journal of Paleolimnology 11: 207-208.
  90. Errata:

  91. Pellatt M.G., M.J. Smith, R.W. Mathewes, I.R. Walker & S.L. Palmer, 2000. Holocene treeline and climate change in the subalpine zone near Stoyoma Mountain, south-western British Columbia, Canada (vol 32, pg73, 2000). Arctic Antarctic and Alpine Research 32: 366.
  92. Levesque, A. J., F. E. Mayle, I. R. Walker & L. C. Cwynar, 1993b. Erratum: A previously unrecognized late-glacial cold event in eastern North America. Nature 363: 188.
  93. Abstracts:

  94. Walker, I. R. 1993. Chironomids, Climate, Lakewater Salinity, and Tree-line Paleoecology.  In: A. Telka (ed) Proxy Climate Data and Models of the Six Thousand Years Before Present Time Interval - The Canadian Perspective: Abstracts of a Workshop held in Ottawa, Canada, November 20-23, 1992.  Canadian Global Change Program Incidental Report Series, Report IR93-3, Ottawa, 57 pp.
  95. Technical Reports:

  96. Walker, I.R. and M.G. Pellatt, 2001.  Climate change and impacts in southern British Columbia- a palaeoenvironmental perspective.  Unpublished report to the Climate Change Action Fund, Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa, 66pp.
  97. Walker, I. R. 1978. A checklist of the lichens, Fundy National Park, Alma, New Brunswick. Unpublished report. Parks Canada.

Theses & Directed Research Papers:

  1. Dickson, T. R. 2013. Assessing midges as paleoecological indicators. Ph. D. Thesis, University of British Columbia, Kelowna.
  2. White, C. A. 2012. Sedimentary diatoms as indicators of water quality and ecosystem change in lakes of Riding Mountain National Park of Canada. M. Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia, Kelowna.
  3. Flemming, E. M. 2008. Reconstruction of Holocene environmental changes in northern British Columbia using fossil midges. M. Sc. Thesis, University of British Columbia, Kelowna.
  4. Stepanovic', L. 2006. 12 500 Years of Midge-inferred Climatic History for Interior Alaska. M. Sc. Thesis, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby.
  5. Chase, M. 2005. Midge-inferred Paleoclimatic Reconstruction for two small Subalpine Lake sites in southeastern British Columbia. B. Sc. Thesis, Department of Biology, Okanagan University College, Kelowna.
  6. Barley, E. M. 2004. Palaeoclimate analysis of southwestern Yukon Territory using subfossil chironomid remains from Antifreeze Pond. M. Sc. Thesis, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby.
  7. Biggs, L. 2004. Nutrient Loading in Skaha Lake as Inferred by Diatom Analysis. Department of Biology, Okanagan University College, Kelowna.
  8. Dykstra, J. 2004. A Survey of the Status of the Western Toad (Bufo boreas) and Other Amphibians in Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks, British Columbia, Canada. B.Sc. thesis, Department of Earth & Environmental Science, Okanagan University College, Kelowna.
  9. Fallu, M-A. 2003. Effets de la déglaciation tardive sur les écosystèmes lacustres au Nouveau-Québec. Ph.D. thesis, Department of Géographie, Université Laval, Québec.
  10. MacIsaac, S. 2003. Changes in Midge Communities and Inferred Climate at Eikland Pond, Yukon Territory, Canada. Department of Earth & Environmental Science, Okanagan University College, Kelowna.
  11. Rosenberg, S.M. 2002. Holocene palaeoenvironmental records from two subalpine lakes in southern British Columbia, based on chironomid and pollen analyses. MSc thesis, Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby. MacIsaac, S. 2003. Changes in Midge Communities and Inferred Climate at Eikland Pond, Yukon Territory, Canada. Department of Earth & Environmental Science, Okanagan University College, Kelowna.
  12. Dreger, L., 2001. A diatom palaeoecological assessment of human impacts on Shannon Lk, Westbank, British Columbia, Canada Department of Biology, Okanagan University College, Kelowna.
  13. Ayotte, J., 2001. Chironomid paleoecology and the neoglacial history of northwestern B,C Department of Biology, Okanagan University College, Kelowna.
  14. Mose, L., 2001. Differences between the benthic invertebrate community in the inlet and outlet streams of Pothole Lake, BC.  Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Okanagan University College, Kelowna.
  15. Minor, T., 2001. Over-wintering growth and survival rates in five off-channel habitats in the southern interior of British Columbia.  Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Okanagan University College, Kelowna.
  16. Shen, V., 2001. Effects of log booming on algal biofilm growth and species richness in Okanagan Lake, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.  Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Okanagan University College, Kelowna.
  17. Norlin, J. I., 1999.  An Anthropogenic Environmental Impact Assessment of Trout Lake, Vancouver, British Columbia, using Palaeolimnological Techniques.  Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Okanagan University College, Kelowna. 47 pp.
  18. Paille, N., 1999.  Chironomids as Potential Indicators of the Effects of Urbanization on Mill Creek, Kelowna, B.C.  Department of Biology, Okanagan University College, Kelowna.  60 pp.
  19. Palmer, S. L., 1998.  Subfossil Chironomids (Insecta: Diptera) and Climatic Change at High Elevation Lakes in the Engelmann Spruce-Subalpine Fir Zone in southwestern British Columbia.  M.Sc. thesis, Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.  105 pp.
  20. Rosenberg, S. M., 1998.  Chironomids and their Relationship to the Archaeological Record and Sea Level Change at Bass Pond, Newfoundland, Canada.  B.Sc. Directed Studies thesis, Okanagan University College, Kelowna. 
  21. Smith, M. J., 1997.  Postglacial Changes in Chironomid Communities and Inferred Climate near Treeline at Mount Stoyama, Cascade Mountains, southwestern British Columbia.  M.Sc. thesis, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby.  71 pp.
  22. Rück, A., 1996.  A Palaeolimnological Study on Tugulnuit Lake, British Columbia, Canada, with Special Emphasis on River Influence in the Lake Sediments.  Diplom thesis, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Freiburg.  52 pp.
  23. Palmer, S.L., 1995.  Comparison of Late-glacial/Holocene Climatic Change in Two Lakes from Atlantic Canada using Chironomids as Paleoenvironmental/Paleoclimatic Indicators.  Directed Studies paper, Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
  24. Heinrichs, M. L., 1995. Chironomid-based Paleosalinity Reconstruction of Three Lakes in the South-central Interior of British Columbia, Canada.  M. Sc. thesis, Department of Biological Sciences, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, British Columbia,  58 pp.


Conference Presentations:

  1. Dickson, T. R., and I. R. Walker. 2013. Range margins of aquatic midges regulated by temperature and salinity: In vitro experiments and species - environment surveys. Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution, 8th Annual Meeting, Kelowna.
  2. White, C., H. Gray, I. R. Walker, and M. G. Pellatt. 2012. Assessing ecosystem integrity through the palaeoecology of lakes in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba, Canada. 12th International Paleolimnology Symposium, Glasgow, Scotland.
  3. Dickson, T. R., and I. R. Walker. 2012. Midges, salinity & sea level change in the Hudson Bay Lowlands. 12th International Paleolimnology Symposium, Glasgow, Scotland.
  4. Dickson, T. R., and I. R. Walker. 2012. Assessing midges (Chironomidae and Ceratopogonidae) as paleosalinity and paleotemperature indicators: in-vitro temperature and salinity experiments. 12th International Paleolimnology Symposium, Glasgow, Scotland.
  5. Walker, I. R. 2012. The Eutrophication Process – as illustrated in sediments of a Canadian lake. Lake Taihu workshop, Nanjing, China.
  6. White, C., M. Pellatt, R. Reside, and I. R. Walker. 2012. Diatoms in Riding Mountain National Park and their relationship to total phosphorus. WDCAG Annual Meeting, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.
  7. Dickson, T. 2012. Midges, salinity & sea-level change in the Hudson Bay Lowlands. WDCAG Annual Meeting, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.
  8. Axford, Y., S. Losee, J. Briner, D. Francis, P. Langdon, and I. Walker. 2011. Holocene temperature history at the west Greenland Ice Sheet margin reconstructed from lake sediments. AGU Fall Meeting (San Francisco, California).
  9. White, C., M. Pellatt, R. Reside, and I. R. Walker. 2011. Diatoms in Riding Mountain National Park lakes: Indicators of water quality and ecosystem change. NALMS Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA.
  10. Gray, H. 2011. Aquatic macrophytes and algae as environmental threshold indicators for lakes within Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba. NALMS Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA.
  11. Walker, I. R. 2011. Are There Analogues for Future Climate in British Columbia's Past?. British Columbia Studies Conference Conference. Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.
  12. Walker, I. R. 2010. Paleolimnology and human impacts on Okanagan valley lakes. 2010 EIA Biologist Conference. Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada.
  13. Gray, H., R. Whitehouse, M. G. Pellatt, R. Reside, P. J. Curtis, and I. R. Walker. 2009. Fossil midges, hypolimnetic oxygen and the ecological integrity of Clear Lake, Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba. 11th International Paleolimnology Symposium. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
  14. Clegg, B. F., G. Clarke, K. Wolfe, I. Walker, W. Tinner, R. Beer, and F. S. Hu. 2009. Holocene summer-temperature variation in Alaska: Quantitative reconstruction and possible solar forcing. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, California, United States.
  15. Gray, H. J., R. Whitehouse, M. G. Pellatt, R. Reside, P. J. Curtis, and I. R. Walker. 2009. Fossil midges and hypolimnetic oxygen at Clear Lake, Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba. Society of Canadian Limnologists, Ottawa, Ontario.
  16. Gavin, D., A. C. G. Henderson, K. S. Westover, M. J. Leng, S. Fritz, I. R. Walker, and F. S. Hu. 2009. Multiple abrupt shifts in the early-Holocene climate of Western Canada. Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers. Las Vegas, Nevada, United States.
  17. Fleming, E., and I. R. Walker. 2008. "Reconstruction of Holocene environmental changes in northern British Columbia using fossil midges. Society of Canadian Limnologists. Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
  18. Goring, S. J., T. Lacourse, M. G. Pellatt, I. R. Walker, and R. W. Mathewes. 2008. Multivariate climate reconstruction using a modern pollen database for British Columbia. Joint 12th International Palynological Congress IPC-XII 2008 and 8th International Organisation of Palaeobotany Conference IOPC-VIII 2008, Bonn, Germany.
  19. Walker, I. R. 2008. Lakes past & lakes present: a palaeoenvironmental perspective on lakes in a changing climate. British Columbia Lake Stewardship Society, Kelowna.
  20. Clegg, B. F., G. Clarke, K. Wolfe, M. Chou, I. R. Walker, and F. S. Hu. 2008. Quantitative summer temperature reconstructions from Alaska: spatial and temporal variation during the Holocene. 38th International Arctic Workshop. Boulder, Colorado, United States.
  21. Fleming, E., and I. R. Walker. 2007. Reconstruction of Holocene environmental changes in northern British Columbia using fossil midges. Annual Meeting, Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers. University College of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada.
  22. Hrafnsdottir, T., and I. R. Walker. 2007. Discussion session: Utilization of taxonomic names in palaeo studies. Workshop on Chironomid Taxonomy, Ecology and Palaeolimnology. Reykjavik, Iceland.
  23. Walker, I. R. 2007. Freshwater midges: Witnesses to environmental change. Global Climate Change, 34th Annual Biology Symposium, Association of Graduate Students in the Biological Sciences, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
  24. Goring, S. J., M. G. Pellatt, T. Lacourse, I. R. Walker, and R.W. Mathewes. 2007. Scale-dependent effects of depositional environments – lessons from British Columbia pollen spectra. Cordilleran Section, Geological Society of America, 103rd Annual Meeting. Bellingham, Washington, United States.
  25. Walker, I.R. 2006. Inference of past environmental changes from fossil midges. Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM) , Seattle, Washington (Invited Oral Presentation)
  26. Walker, I.R. 2006. Thienemann Honorary Lecture: Chironomids - The past, the present and our future. 16 th International Chironomid Symposium, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal (Invited Keynote Lecture)
  27. Francis, D. R., Y. Axford, I. R. Walker, G. H. Miller, J. Briner, and A. P. Wolfe. 2006. 130,000 years of chironomid remains: climate change research at Arctic sites. 16 th International Chironomid Symposium , Funchal, Madeira, Portugal (Oral).
  28. Brodersen, K. P., O. Pedersen, I. R. Walker, M. Tranekjaer, and E. Barley. 2006. Respiration and distribution of midges (Diptera) in British Columbian lakes. 16 th International Chironomid Symposium , Funchal, Madeira, Portugal (Oral).
  29. Barley, E.M., Walker, I.R., Stepanovic', L.C., 2005. Midge derived paleotemperature reconstructions for three sites from Yukon, Canada and Alaska, U.S.A.. Geological Society of America , Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah (Oral).
  30. Stepanovic', L., Barley, E., Cwynar, L., Finney, B., Mathewes, R., Walker, I.   2005. Late glacial - Holocene temperature and oscillations recorded by midge fossils at Birch Lake, Alaska. Arctic Workshop , University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta (Poster).
  31. Francis, D. R., I. R. Walker, A. P. Wolfe, G. H. Miller, J. Briner, and Y. Axford 2004. Distribution of midge remains (Diptera: Chironomidae) in Baffin Island lakes and their use in paleolimnological reconstructions. North American Benthological Society , University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia (Oral).
  32. Walker, I.R. 2004. Midge fossils as indicators of Holocene climate change.   Canadian Association of Geographers , Moncton, New Brunswick (Oral).
  33. Walker, I.R. 2004. Midge fossils and quantitative reconstructions of Holocene climate in the Cordilleran region.   Geological Association of Canada , Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario (Oral).
  34. Fallu, M-A., R. Pienitz, and I.R. Walker, 2004. Datation AMS 14 C des sédiments lacustres au delà de la limite nord des arbres à l'aide des capsules céphaliques de chironomides. Association québécoise pour l'étude du quaternaire (AQQUA) , Université Laval, Québec (Poster).
  35. Fallu, M-A., R. Pienitz, I.R. Walker, and M. Lavoie, 2004. Dynamique postglaciaire de trois écosystèmes lacustres du Québec-Labrador, basée sur les diatomées, les chironomides et les pollens fossiles. Association québécoise pour l'étude du quaternaire (AQQUA) , Université Laval, Québec (Oral).
  36. Walker, I.R. 2004. Midge fossils as indicators of past climate change in southern British Columbia.   Annual Researchers' Meeting, Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology , Nakusp, British Columbia (Oral).
  37. Barley, E. M., and I. R. Walker, 2004. A chironomid based palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of Antifreeze Pond in Yukon, Canada. 34th Annual International Arctic Workshop, Boulder, Colorado (Poster).
  38. Francis, D. R., M. J. Wooller, G. H. Miller, I. R. Walker, M. L. Fogel, and A. P. Wolfe, 2003. A new technique for using chironomid remains in paleoclimate research. 15th International Symposium on Chironomidae, St. Paul, Minnesota (Oral).
  39. Walker, I. R., 2003. Palaeolimnological assessment of recent human impacts on lakes. British Columbia Lake Stewardship Society, Annual General Meeting. Penticton, B.C. (Invited Oral Presentation)
  40. Wooller, M. J., D. Francis, M. L. Fogel, G. Miller, I. R. Walker, and A. P. Wolfe, 2003. Analyses of ∂18O in chironomid head capsules from lake sediments: A novel technique to quantify Late Quaternary temperatures in the Arctic. Impacts of Late Quaternary Climate Change on Western Arctic Shelf Lands: Insights from the Terrestrial Mammal Record. A workshop sponsored by The International Arctic Research Center, The 3rd International Mammoth Conference, Fairbanks, Alaska. (Oral)
  41. Wooller, M. J., D. Francis, M. L. Fogel, G. Miller, I. R. Walker, and A. P. Wolfe, 2003. Quantitative Paleotemperature Estimates from ∂18O in chironomid head capsules from arctic lake sediment. XVI INQUA Congress, Reno, Nevada USA. (Oral)
  42. Pellatt, M.G. and I.R. Walker, 2003. Postglacial Climate and Environmental Change in southwest British Columbia, Canada. Climate change and water in Georgia Basin/Puget Sound, Georgia Basin/Puget Sound Research Conference. (Oral)
  43. Walker, I. R. & S. Rosenberg, 2002. Assessing the inter-relationships among people and environmental change through palaeolimnological research Geological Association of Canada/Minerological Association of Canada, Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, Sask. (Oral)
  44. Pienitz, R., M.-A. Fallu, É. Saulnier-Talbot, T. Laing, G. van Wassenhove, K. Ponader, K. Swadling, & I. Walker, 2002. Global Warming in the Arctic: What about Northern Québec and Labrador? 36th Congress of the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Rimouski, Québec. (Oral)
  45. Pellatt, M. & I. R. Walker, 2002. Climate change in southern British Columbia - a palaeoenvironmental perspective. Toward Ecosystem Management: Breaking Down the Barriers in the Columbia River Basin and Beyond, 2002 Transboundary Western Division American Fisheries Society Conference, Spokane, WA (Invited Oral Presentation)
  46. Pienitz, R., M.-A. Fallu, T. Laing, É. Saulnier-Talbot., K. Ponader, K. Swadling & I.R. Walker, 2002. Paleoclimatic trends in northern Québec and Labrador, as inferred from paleolimnological data.  Society of Canadian Limnologists. Vancouver, British Columbia (Oral)
  47. Rosenberg, S. M., I. R. Walker, and R. W. Mathewes, 2001. Palaeoecological analyses of subalpine lakes on the coast and in the interior wet belt of southern British Columbia.  Canadian Quaternary Association, Biennial Meeting, Whitehorse, Yukon (Poster)
  48. Fallu, M-A., R. Pienitz, and I. R. Walker, 2001. Using freshwater algae to reconstruct limnologic, lake-catchment, and climatic change in two lakes from Quebéc-Labrador.  Canadian Botanical Association, Annual Meeting, Kelowna, British Columbia (Oral)
  49. Dreger, L., M-A. Fallu, and I. R. Walker, 2001. A diatom palaeoecological assessment of human impacts on Shannon Lake, Westbank, British Columbia.  Canadian Botanical Association, Annual Meeting, Kelowna, British Columbia (Poster)
  50. Fallu, M-A., R. Pienitz, and I. R. Walker, 2001. Holocene limnological and climate history of Québec-Labrador as inferred from freshwater diatoms and chironomids.  31st Arctic Workshop, University of Massachussetts, Amherst, Mass. (Poster)
  51. Walker, I. R., D. M. Livingstone, and A. F. Lotter, 2000. A comparison of air and surface water temperatures: implications for palaeolimnological climate reconstructions.  8th International Paleolimnology Symposium, Kingston, Ontario (Oral)
  52. Walker, I. R., 2000. The WWW field guide to subfossil midges ( 8th International Paleolimnology Symposium, Kingston, Ontario (Poster)
  53. Francis, D. R., A. P. Wolfe, I. R. Walker, and G. H. Miller, 2000.  Fossil midges from Fog Lake, Baffin Island: Long-term climate reconstruction in the Canadian Arctic and dynamics of species assemblages over a 90,000-year period.  8th International Paleolimnology Symposium, Kingston, Ontario (Oral)
  54. Fallu, M.-A., R. Pienitz, and I. Walker, 2000.  Holocene limnologic and climatic change in Québec-Labrador, as inferred from freshwater diatoms and chironomids.  8th International Paleolimnology Symposium, Kingston, Ontario (Oral)
  55. Rosenberg, S. M., I. R. Walker, D. J. Hallett, and R. W. Mathewes, 2000. Preliminary chironomid palaeotemperature reconstructions for two subalpine lakes, British Columbia, Canada.  8th International Paleolimnology Symposium, Kingston, Ontario (Oral)
  56. Rosenberg, S. M., I. R. Walker, and R. W. Mathewes, 2000. Preliminary analyses of midge fossils from Eagle Lake, Mount Revelstoke National Park, B. C., Canada.  Columbia Mountains Institute Annual Researchers' Meeting, Revelstoke, British Columbia (Oral)
  57. Walker, I. R., A. J. Levesque, R. Pienitz, and J. P. Smol, 2000. Chironomid distributions and their relationship to past and present environmental conditions in northwestern Canada.  30th Arctic Workshop, Boulder, Colorado (Poster)
  58. Francis, D., A. Wolfe, I. Walker, and G. Miller, 2000. A 90,000-year record of fossil chironomid and climate change at Fog Lake, Baffin Island.  30th Arctic Workshop, Boulder, Colorado (Oral)
  59. Walker, I. R., S. Palmer, and M. Smith, 1999.  Sensitive climatic proxy records from treeline lakes.  Canadian Quaternary Association - Canadian Geomorphology Research Group Joint Meeting, Calgary, Alberta (Oral)
  60. Fallu, M.-A., R. Pienitz, and I. R. Walker, 1999.  Holocene environmental and climatic changes in Québec-Labrador: preliminary chironomid results from a lake near Kangiqsualujjuaq.  Canadian Quaternary Association - Canadian Geomorphology Research Group Joint Meeting, Calgary, Alberta (Oral)
  61. Hebda, R. J., M. Heinrichs, S. L. Palmer, and I. R. Walker, 1999. The value of fossil plant, charcoal and insect studies to forest management: examples from the ESSF.  Southern Interior Silvicultural Group Meeting, Penticton, British Columbia (Poster)
  62. Norlin, J. I., I. R. Walker, and M. Pellatt, 1999. An anthropogenic environmental impact assessment of Trout Lake, Vancouver, British Columbia, using palaeolimnological techniques.  Symposium on Palaeoecology and Palaeoclimate, Annual Meeting Western Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Kelowna, British Columbia (Poster)
  63. Walker, I. R., 1999. Chironomids as indicators of climatic changes near Late-glacial and Holocene treeline.  Symposium on Palaeoecology and Palaeoclimate, Annual Meeting Western Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Kelowna, British Columbia (Oral)
  64. Pellatt, M. G., M. J. Smith, R. W. Mathewes, and I. R. Walker, 1999. A multiproxy paleoecological investigation in the subalpine zone of the Northern Cascade Mountains, southwestern British Columbia.   Symposium on Palaeoecology and Palaeoclimate, Annual Meeting Western Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Kelowna, British Columbia (Poster)
  65. Walker, I. R., S. Palmer, M. L. Heinrichs, and M. J. Smith, 1999. Post-glacial palaeoclimate records for southern British Columbia inferred from fossil Chironomidae.  Symposium on Decoding Canada's Environmental Past: Adaptation Lessons based on Changing Trends and Extremes in Climate and Biodiversity. Fifth National Science Meeting of the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Network, Victoria, British Columbia (Oral)
  66. Walker, I. R., S. Palmer, M. J. Smith, and A. F. Lotter, 1999. Freshwater midges as indicators of holocene climatic changes at alpine treeline in North America and Europe.  Society of Canadian Limnologists. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta (Oral)
  67. Heinrichs, M., I. R. Walker and R. W. Mathewes, 1999. Chironomids as indicators of lake salinity and climate change in British Columbia.  Society of Canadian Limnologists. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta (Oral)
  68. Walker, I.R., M.-A. Fallu, M. Heinrichs, S. Palmer, M.J. Smith, A. Rück, and S. Rosenberg, 1999. What the *@?#! is that?  An interactive poster of unidentified organismal remains.  Society of Canadian Limnologists. University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta (Poster)
  69. Walker, I. R., M. L. Heinrichs, S. Palmer, M. Smith and M. Pellatt, 1998.  Chironomids as indicators of past climatic change in British Columbia, Canada.  North American Benthological Society.  University of Prince Edward Island, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island (Poster)
  70. Walker, I. R., 1998.  Pleistocene and Holocene events: A template for the Okanagan landscape.  Canadian Society of Zoologists.  Okanagan University College, Kelowna, British Columbia (Invited Oral Presentation)
  71. Walker, I. R., M. L. Heinrichs, S. Palmer, M. Smith and M. Pellatt, 1998.  Past climatic trends in the southern interior of British Columbia, as inferred from the chironomid (Insecta: Diptera) palaeoecological record.  Towards Ecosystem-based Management in the Upper Columbia River Basin: an International Conference and Workshop.  Castlegar, British Columbia (Oral)
  72. Walker, I. R., 1998.  Palaeolimnology as a tool for understanding lake history.  British Columbia Lake Stewardship Society.  Okanagan University College, Kelowna, British Columbia (Oral)
  73. Lotter, A. F., B. Ammann, H. J. B. Birks, O. Heiri, A. Hirt, L. Lanci, G. Lemcke, M. Sturm, J. van Leeuwen, I. R. Walker and L. Wick, 1997.  AQUAREAL:. A multi-proxy study of Holocene sediment archives in alpine lakes.  7th International Palaeolimnology Symposium.  Germany (Poster)
  74. Walker, I. R., L. C. Cwynar, A. J. Levesque, A. F. Lotter, S. L. Palmer, R. Pienitz, D. Porinchu, M. J. Smith and J. P. Smol, 1997.  Potential of freshwater midges (principally chironomids) as palaeoclimatic indicators at arctic treeline.  27th Arctic Workshop.  University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario (Oral)
  75. Walker, I. R., 1997. A chironomid-based surface-water temperature model for eastern Canada and its application to fossil midge core data. Climate history as recorded by sensitive alpine lakes in Norden (NORD-CHILL Project Workshop). Laboratory of Physical Geography, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland (Invited Oral Presentation)
  76. Walker, I. R., M. L. Heinrichs, A. J. Levesque, S. Palmer, M. Smith, R. W. Mathewes, and R. Hebda, 1996.  Recent advances in chironomid palaeoecological studies in the Canadian Cordillera.  Quaternary Environmental Change in the Pacific Northwest Workshop.  Quaternary Research Centre, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington (Oral)
  77. Pellatt, M., R. W. Mathewes, and I. R. Walker, 1996.  Pollen analysis and ordination of lake surface sediment samples from coastal British Columbia, Canada.  Ninth International Palynological Congress, Houston,  Texas  (Oral)
  78. Smith, M., R. W. Mathewes, and I. R. Walker, 1996. Postglacial changes in chironomid communities and inferred climate near tree-line at Stoyama Mountain, British Columbia.  American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Oral)
  79. Walker, I. R., 1996.  A summary of recent chironomid paleoecological research in the Canadian Cordillera.  The Quaternary of the Canadian Cordillera. Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B. C. (Oral)
  80. Heinrichs, M. L., I. R. Walker, and R. W. Mathewes, J. P. Smol, 1995.  Reconstruction of past salinity changes in Mahoney and Kilpoola Lakes, south-central British Columbia, Canada.  Canadian Quaternary Association, St. John's, Nfld. (Poster)
  81. Cumming, B. F., S. E. Wilson, J. P. Smol, P. R. Leavitt, I. Walker, and M. Heinrichs, 1995. Palaeolimnological reconstructions of climatic and other environmental changes in closed-basin lakes from western Canada: The PISCES-II Project.  Canadian Quaternary Association, St. John's, Nfld.  (Poster)
  82. Levesque, A. J., L. C. Cwynar, and I. R. Walker 1995.  Climatic events and gradients during the lateglacial - Holocene transition in Martime Canada.  International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), XIV International Congress, Berlin, Germany (Oral)
  83. Walker, I. R. 1995.  Chironomid palaeoecology and mid-Holocene palaeoclimatic inference for British Columbia.  American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pacific Division meeting, Vancouver, B. C. (Oral)
  84. Heinrichs, M. L., I. R. Walker, R. W. Mathewes, and J. P. Smol 1995.  Reconstruction of past salinity changes in Mahoney and Kilpoola Lakes, south-central British Columbia, Canada.  American Association for the Advancement of Science, Pacific Division meeting, Vancouver, B.C. (Oral)
  85. Walker, I. R., E. Reavie, S. Palmer, and R. N. Nordin 1994. Use of palaeoecological techniques to assess human impact on Wood Lake in the Okanagan Valley, British Columbia.  British Columbia Studies Conference, Kelowna, B. C. (Invited Oral Presentation)
  86. Walker, I. R., M. Heinrichs, S. E. Wilson, and J. P. Smol 1994.  Chironomidae (Diptera) as palaeosalinity indicators for lakes of south-central British Columbia, Canada.  Third International Congress of Dipterology, Guelph, Ontario (Oral Presentation)
  87. Levesque, A. J., L. C. Cwynar, and I. R. Walker 1994.  The use of chironomids (Chironomidae) to infer summer surface-water temperatures of four New Brunswick lakes between 12,000 and 10,000 years before present (yr B. P.).  Third International Congress of Dipterology, Guelph, Ontario (Oral Presentation)
  88. Levesque, A., L. Cwynar, and I. Walker 1994. A multi-proxy investigation of late-glacial climate and vegetation change at Pine Ridge Pond, southwest New Brunswick, Canada.  American Quaternary Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U. S. A. (poster)
  89. Wilson, S. E., B. F. Cumming, J. P. Smol, I. Walker, and P. R. Leavitt, 1994. Paleoclimatic reconstructions from western Canada using paleolimnological approaches: The PISCES project.  American Quaternary Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U. S. A. (poster)
  90. Walker, I. R. 1994. Climate and Insects. Canadian Global Change Program Eastern Canadian Workshop (March 4-5, 1994), Global Warming: Land-Sea Interactions at the Climate Maximum 6,000 years ago. (sponsored by the Atlantic Geoscience Centre, Geological Survey of Canada) Halifax, Nova Scotia. (Invited Oral Presentation)
  91. Cumming, B. F., S. E. Wilson, R. Pienitz, J. P. Smol, I. Walker, and P. R. Leavitt 1994. Paleoclimatic reconstructions from western Canada using paleolimnological approaches: The PISCES project.  Society of Canadian Limnologists, Saskatoon, Sask. (Poster)
  92. Walker, I. R. 1993. Chironomid palaeoecology and environmental change. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Edmonton, Alberta (Invited Oral Presentation)
  93. Walker, I. R. 1993. A palaeoenvironmental assessment of human impact on Wood Lake, Okanagan Valley, British Columbia.  Canadian Quaternary Association, Biennial Meeting, Victoria, B. C. (Oral)
  94. Walker, I. R. 1993. Chironomid palaeoecology and 6 ka B. P. in British Columbia.  (Invited Oral Presentation) Pacific Region 6 ka B. P. Global Climate Change Workshop (March 26, 1993), (sponsored by the Geological Survey of Canada and Institute for Quaternary Research, Simon Fraser University) Burnaby, B. C.
  95. Walker, I. R. 1992. Allerød/Younger Dryas surface-water temperatures inferred from midge fossils in New Brunswick and Nova Scotian lake sediments.  Geological Association of Canada/Mineralogical Association of Canada, Joint Annual Meeting, Wolfville, N. S. (Invited oral presentation)
  96. Cumming, B. F., S. E. Wilson, J. P. Smol, I. R. Walker, and P. R. Leavitt. 1992. Palaeoecological investigations of salinity, climate, and environmental shifts: The PISCES project.  American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico (Oral).
  97. Smol, J. P., B. F. Cumming, S. E. Wilson, I. R. Walker, and P. R. Leavitt. 1992.  Paleoecological investigations of salinity, climatic and environmental shifts (The PISCES project): Project description and preliminary results.  Society of Canadian Limnologists, Halifax, N. S.  (Poster).
  98. Walker, I. R., D. R. Oliver, and M. E. Dillon. 1991. The larva of Parakiefferiella nigra Brundin, 1949, an important indicator of oligotrophic lake environments. 11th International Symposium on Chironomidae, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Oral).
  99. Smol, J. P., I. R. Walker, B. F. Cumming, and S. Wilson. 1991. PISCES: Palaeoecological investigations of salinity, climate, and environmental shifts. Conference on Sedimentary and Paleolimnological Records of Saline Lakes, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (Poster)
  100. Pienitz, R., I. R. Walker, B. A. Zeeb, and J. P. Smol. 1991. A preliminary investigation of sediments from an athalassic saline lake in the Yukon, Canada. Conference on Sedimentary and Paleolimnological Records of Saline Lakes, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (Poster - presented by S. Wilson)
  101. Uutala, A. J., J. P. Smol, S. S. Dixit, J. C. Kingston, and I. R. Walker. 1991. Paleolimnological techniques for aquatic resource assessment.  North Amercian Benthological Society, 39th Annual Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico (Oral presentation)
  102. Walker, I. R. 1991. Quantitative paleoclimatic reconstructions from freshwater midges. American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Annual Meeting, Halifax, N. S. (Oral presentation)
  103. Smol, J. P., B. F. Cumming, S. S. Dixit, J. C. Kingston, D. F. Charles, A. J. Uutala, and I. R. Walker. 1990. Paleolimnological perspectives on long-term biomonitoring programs. Ecological Indicators International Symposium, Fort Lauderdale, Florida (Oral).
  104. Walker, I. R. 1990. Fossil midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) as quantitative indicators of rapid climatic change in Atlantic Canada.  American Quaternary Association/Canadian Quaternary Association, First Joint Meeting, Waterloo, Ontario (Poster)
  105. Smol, J. P., and I. R. Walker, 1990. Paleolimnological markers of climatic change. International Symposium on Past and Present Climate Dynamics: Reconstruction of Rates of Change, Locarno, Switzerland. (Poster)
  106. Walker, I. R. 1990. Benthic indicators of past climatic change.  North American Benthological Society, 38th Annual Meeting, Blacksburg, Virginia (Oral presentation)
  107. Walker, I. R. 1990. Quantitative paleoclimatic reconstruction from midge fossils. Canadian Committee on Climate Fluctuations and Man, Fifth Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Ontario (Oral presentation)
  108. Smol, J. P., and I. R. Walker, 1990.  Paleoclimatic information from limnological markers. Canadian Committee on Climate Fluctuations and Man, Fifth Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Ontario (Oral presentation)
  109. Walker, I. R. 1990. Reconstructing past climatic changes from fossil Chironomidae. Society of Canadian Limnologists, Ninth Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Ontario (Oral Presentation)
  110. Walker, I. R. 1989. Arctic and alpine chironomid faunas as analogues for late-glacial communities.  Fifth International Symposium on Paleolimnology, Ambleside, U. K. (Oral presentation)
  111. Smol, J. P., I. R. Walker, and P. R. Leavitt, 1989.  Paleolimnology and hindcasting climatic trends. International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology (S. I. L.), 24th Congress, Munich, Germany (Oral Presentation)
  112. Walker, I. R., and R. W. Mathewes, 1987.  Paleoecology of Chironomidae (Diptera:Insecta) in lakes of coastal British Columbia, Canada. International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), XII International Congress, Ottawa, Ontario (Poster)
  113. Walker, I. R., and R. W. Mathewes, 1986. Chironomidae and late-glacial climate.  Society of Canadian Limnologists, 5th Annual Meeting, Ottawa, Ontario (Poster).
  114. Walker, I. R., and R. W. Mathewes, 1985. Late-glacial and Holocene succession of Chironomidae (Diptera) at Marion Lake, coastal British Columbia. Canadian Congress of Biology, London, Ontario (Poster)
  115. Walker, I. R., 1982. Post-glacial chironomid succession in a small polyhumic lake. North Amercian Benthological Society, 30th Annual Meeting, Ann Arbor, Michigan (Oral Presentation)
  116. Walker, I. R., 1980. The history of Wood's Pond and the forests of the Chignecto Region. 11th Atlantic Universities Undergraduate Biology Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia (Oral Presentation)

  117. Additional Conference Presentations by Supervised Students:

  118. Rosenberg, S., 1999. Chironomids, sea level and the record of prehistoric settlement in the Port au Choix region, Newfoundland, Canada.   Canadian Quaternary Association - Canadian Geomorphology Research Group Joint Meeting, Calgary, Alberta (Poster)
  119. Palmer, S.L., 1999. Chironomids and treeline palaeoclimate of the south Okanagan  Symposium on Palaeoecology and Palaeoclimate, Annual Meeting Western Division Canadian Association of Geographers, Kelowna, British Columbia (Oral)
  120. Palmer, S.L., 1998. Chironomid response to climatic disturbance at high elevation lakes in the E.S.S.F.  36th Annual Meeting, Canadian Society of Zoologists, Kelowna, British Columbia (Poster)
  121. Rosenberg, S.M., 1998. Chironomids and their relationship to sea level and archaeological records at Bass Pond, Newfoundland, Canada.  36th Annual Meeting, Canadian Society of Zoologists, Kelowna, British Columbia (Poster)